Vyas, N., McHenry J.A. Physiological State Gates Sensorimotor Cortical Processing and Goal Directed Behavior. (2022) Preview. Neuron.

McHenry, J.A. Adolescent Sleep Molds Adult Social Preferences. News & Views. (2022) Nature Neuroscience. July;25(7):841-843. PMID: 35637372.

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Rossi, M.A., Basiri, M.L., McHenry, J.A., Kosyk, O., Otis, J.M., van den Munkhof, H.E., Bryois, J., Hübel, C., Breen, G., Guo, W., Bulik, C.M., Sullivan, P.F., & Stuber, G.D. (2019). Obesity remodels activity and transcriptional state of a lateral hypothalamic brake on feeding. Science. Jun; 364(6447):1271-1274. PMCID: 7318865.

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McHenry, J.A., Rubinow, D.R., & Stuber, G.D. (2015). Maternally responsive neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial preoptic area: Putative circuits for regulating anxiety and reward. Frontiers in NeuroendocrinologyJul; 38:65-72. PMCID: 4853820.

McHenry, J.A., Carrier, N., Hull, E.M., & Kabbaj, M. (2014). Sex differences in anxiety and depression: Role of testosterone. Frontiers in NeuroendocrinologyJan; 35(1):42-57. PMCID: 3946856.

Commentary on McHenry et al. (2017):
Dölen, G. (2017). Setting the mood for love. Nature Neuroscience. Feb; 20:379–380. PMID: 28230842.